Tag: stem with drones

  • Learning to Code with Drones: An Interactive Approach for Grades 4-8

    Learning to Code with Drones: An Interactive Approach for Grades 4-8

    Welcome to “Learning to Code with Drones: An Interactive Approach for Grades 4-8,” where the future of STEM education takes flight!  In this blog post, we delve into the world of drone coding, an innovative way to introduce young minds to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) through the engaging and hands-on experience of drones. …

  • Introducing Drone Basics to Young Learners: A Guide for Grades 4-8

    Introducing Drone Basics to Young Learners: A Guide for Grades 4-8

    Welcome to the fascinating world of drones! In this blog, we delve into the dynamic field of drone technology and its integration into the STEM curriculum for grades 4-8. Drones, more than just a technological marvel, have emerged as a versatile tool in modern education, offering an engaging platform for students to learn various STEM…

  • Unleashing the Power of Drones: Top Learnings from ISTE Live 2023

    Unleashing the Power of Drones: Top Learnings from ISTE Live 2023

    ISTE Live 2023 has just concluded, and what an adventure! The Drone Legends booth was a flurry of activity, with our team engaging with passionate educators globally. From the hundreds of teachers with whom we spoke, we identified three themes that you told us were most important to you. Propelling Middle and High School Learning…

  • 8 Ways Drone Technology Provides Unique and Interesting Ways to Explore Science in 4th Grade.

    8 Ways Drone Technology Provides Unique and Interesting Ways to Explore Science in 4th Grade.

      Drone technology is the perfect tool for fourth grade science classes as it allows students to experience the physical and mathematical properties of real-world locations in an interactive, eye-opening manner. With an array of applications, from 3D mapping of landscapes to identifying plant health from the sky, drone applications are versatile and exciting ways…

  • AI and Drones

    AI and Drones

    Even without artificial intelligence, drone technology is pretty cutting-edge. Drones can deliver goods, conduct maintenance inspections, and collect valuable data. Some can even pilot themselves without any human control or interference! Many researchers believe that the future of drone technology is AI. There are limitless possibilities for what AI and drones could accomplish together. From…

  • Drone Research and Application

    Drone Research and Application

    Drones are changing the world. Through every industry, drones strengthen human productivity and can even reach beyond machine capabilities. One of the biggest fields that drones are taking to new heights: research. Who knew drones would have such a huge impact on the way researchers collect and interpret information? To learn how drones are affecting…

  • Drones and Science

    Drones and Science

    Technology and science go together like peanut butter and jelly. For centuries, they have worked together to help humanity create inventions that solve big problems. Technology relies on scientific discoveries to develop solutions, whereas science uses technology to improve research, often leading to new discoveries. Drones technology is used in scientific applications across a wide…

  • Learning Drones and Robotics

    Learning Drones and Robotics

    We can’t talk about drones without giving attention to other types of robots. Since the commercialization of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) in only the last decade, drones have opened up more opportunities than ever for professionals, hobbyists, and students to explore the advanced world of robotics and tech.  Keep reading to learn what drones and…

  • Why We Should Be Teaching STEM With Drones to Fourth and Fifth Graders

    Why We Should Be Teaching STEM With Drones to Fourth and Fifth Graders

    By now, the idea of using drones to get students excited about STEM isn’t new. In fact, drones have become widely embraced as a great way to engage students in STEM subjects by providing a powerful intersection of diverse disciplines such as coding, physics, engineering, and mathematics. Most approaches to teaching STEM do a great…