Drone technology is the perfect tool for fourth grade science classes as it allows students to experience the physical and mathematical properties of real-world locations in an interactive, eye-opening manner. With an array of applications, from 3D mapping of landscapes to identifying plant health from the sky, drone applications are versatile and exciting ways to engage students to tackle science topics.

From an environmental education perspective, students can collect environmental data via a drone such as temperature, wind speed, and altitude to analyze for trends. In some schools, drones carry remote sensing cameras and sensors that can measure atmospheric data, land cover, and other environmental variables.

In biology and physiology, drones can be used to observe animal behavior and habitat. Students can capture animals in their natural habitat, as well as observe their nesting, hunting and feeding behaviors. From a histology perspective, drones can be used to capture images of soil and land, collecting data points that can be analyzed to confirm plant growth and health.

Here are 8 more ways drone technology can be used in your 4th grade science class:

  1. Drones can provide high-quality aerial footage to help students observe nature and wildlife from a different perspective.
  2. Drone flight can help students understand the concept of aerodynamics and how lift is generated.
  3. Students can gain a better understanding of spatial awareness and body coordination by piloting the drone.
  4. Students can build their own drone, helping them gain an understanding of the fundamentals of technology and engineering.
  5. Exploring the use of geofencing technology to control the drone’s flight path.
  6. Drones can help students understand the physics of motion, inertia, momentum, and gravity.
  7. Students can use drones to collect data and observe changes in their environment.
  8. Drones can be used for data visualization and analysis, bringing projects to life like never before.


Drones are an exciting new technology that is revolutionizing science exploration in fourth grade classrooms across the globe. With the ability to fly into hard-to-reach places, drones provide an important tool for collecting data and helping students to consider new research possibilities. From taking 3D images of a coral reef to exploring a volcano, drones open up a world of exploration possibilities. Moreover, drones provide an easy way for teachers to engage students in hands-on problem solving and critical thinking activities. As technology advances, drones are expected to be used more and more in fourth grade classrooms, providing more opportunities for students to be actively involved in their own learning and making science more accessible and exciting for everyone.

At Drone Legends, we support the science in STEM learning for grades 4 through 8 by offering an educational drone curriculum. Want to learn more about STEM enablement education programs? Join the Drone Legends community of industry experts and drone enthusiasts today!