Category: STEM

  • Best STEM Education Companies 2022-2023

    Best STEM Education Companies 2022-2023

    Education is changing, which means innovative education companies are on the rise. We’re here for it: the future of society is bright when we give students the tools they need to excel in real life.  Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are critical to learning and career development. Come along for the ride as we…

  • STEM Facts

    STEM Facts

    With all the buzz about STEM learning today, it’s fun to explore the facts about how STEM early on helps students succeed. To understand where we’re headed with science, technology, engineering, and math, first, we have to look at the current state of things, and what research tells us about what this means for the…

  • Drone Programs for Second Language Learners: Leveling the Playing Field Through STEM

    Drone Programs for Second Language Learners: Leveling the Playing Field Through STEM

    About the Author: Kim Collazo is a well-known Digital Integration Facilitator, STEM teacher and trainer, program director, author, and more! Connect with Kim on Twitter @kcollazo, on LinkedIn, and head to Amazon to buy her book, Emersyn Blake and the Spotted Salamander! Drone programs can level the playing field for second language learners. It’s true. STEM is…

  • Updates From Drone Legends (April 2022)

    Updates From Drone Legends (April 2022)

    There is a lot of growth projected for elementary and middle school STEM education programs.  At Drone Legends, we know meeting educational standards is important. But equipping kids with the mindset to be Legendary is what will truly make a difference in their lives.  What is the Drone Legends team up to? Here are some…

  • PBS ‘Movers & Makers’ Features Drone Legends STEM Program Founder Scott Buell

    PBS ‘Movers & Makers’ Features Drone Legends STEM Program Founder Scott Buell

    Are drones the key to unlocking STEM comprehension in today’s education system? Around the world, Drone Legends is a trailblazing new STEM curriculum in schools, education camps, and afterschool programs for young students. On April 18, 2022, PBS and NPR Philadelphia station WHYY broadcasted the company’s compelling story in a segment following Scott Buell, founder…

  • Why We Should Be Teaching STEM With Drones to Fourth and Fifth Graders

    Why We Should Be Teaching STEM With Drones to Fourth and Fifth Graders

    By now, the idea of using drones to get students excited about STEM isn’t new. In fact, drones have become widely embraced as a great way to engage students in STEM subjects by providing a powerful intersection of diverse disciplines such as coding, physics, engineering, and mathematics. Most approaches to teaching STEM do a great…

  • Teaching Drones to Kids: Classroom Management Tips

    Teaching Drones to Kids: Classroom Management Tips

    When you’re introducing drones to your classroom, there are a few things you (as the educator or supervisor) and the students must clear up before any drone projects occur.  Starting a new drone STEM curriculum with students is a fun, fulfilling way to engage kids in hands-on learning. In my experience, drones give students a…

  • STEM Drones

    STEM Drones

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) innovation is a key ingredient to maintaining a functional and progressive society. Everything from our entertainment, travel, business, and defense systems rely heavily on STEM and the minds that push these fields forward.  With growing advancements across the globe, we’re leaving static and slow technology behind as we move…

  • Girls & Drones + Girls in STEM

    Girls & Drones + Girls in STEM

    STEM is not a boys’ world; girls & drones are becoming a phenomenon, and we are here. for. it.  Most of us picture male engineers, male scientists, and male technologists. And it’s true that there has historically been a gap: According to UNESCO, only about 35% of STEM students in global higher education are women. …

  • 8 STEM Concepts Kids Learn Through Drones

    8 STEM Concepts Kids Learn Through Drones

    Drones and STEM are… an ideal pairing. Pretty much every high priority STEM concept is reinforced when kids engage in our drone programs. Of course, just flying a drone around the yard isn’t (by osmosis or exposure or something) going to teach kids physics, math, engineering, etc. What is going to teach kids all of…