Author: jmavrogeorge

  • Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp Planning

    Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp Planning

    Summer camp can be… epic, unforgettable, the stuff childhood magical memories are made of. As an administrator, educator, or volunteer, your aim is to make that magic happen. As we approach summer camp 2022, most of us are in full-on planning mode. This ultimate guide to summer camp planning was whipped up by the team…

  • STEM Drones

    STEM Drones

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) innovation is a key ingredient to maintaining a functional and progressive society. Everything from our entertainment, travel, business, and defense systems rely heavily on STEM and the minds that push these fields forward.  With growing advancements across the globe, we’re leaving static and slow technology behind as we move…

  • Women’s History Month: Women in STEM

    Women’s History Month: Women in STEM

    Without females in science, we would not have the internet as we know it today. Or radiation treatment. Or an intricate knowledge of DNA. Despite being largely underrepresented in the sciences throughout history, it would be impossible to make a complete list of influential women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).  To shed some…

  • Hand Operated Drones

    Hand Operated Drones

    Drones come in so many shapes and sizes, there is always more to learn. While the Drone Legends curriculum makes use of the incredible Tello — a lightweight drone that’s safe to use in the classroom or outdoors — we love learning all about the drone variations available to young Legends, like hand operated drones. …

  • The Potential of Drone Technology in the Classroom

    The Potential of Drone Technology in the Classroom

    ​​Imagine this scenario: You’re a teacher and your job is to teach an essential skill set for the next generation. A thousand thoughts jump to mind as you question how you are to deliver those skills in just one short semester, as well as increase engagement among students.  The answer may be right under your…

  • Drone Legends is on Pinterest

    Drone Legends is on Pinterest

    From drone safety tips to the latest educational apps helping kids reach their full potential — there’s a lot of information out there on the world wide web. So much, in fact, it can be overwhelming at times. The good news? Drone Legends is on Pinterest!   We love using this amazing resource as a space…

  • Girls & Drones + Girls in STEM

    Girls & Drones + Girls in STEM

    STEM is not a boys’ world; girls & drones are becoming a phenomenon, and we are here. for. it.  Most of us picture male engineers, male scientists, and male technologists. And it’s true that there has historically been a gap: According to UNESCO, only about 35% of STEM students in global higher education are women. …

  • The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) for Drones

    The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) for Drones

    Here at Drone Legends, we always want to stay informed about the latest, greatest developments on all things DRONES. If you’re looking to share the magic of drones with a child in your life, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with drone flying requirements before you take flight. The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)…

  • Drone Legends at Code Camp in Australia

    Drone Legends at Code Camp in Australia

    Hold on to your hats, Legends. We’ve got some big news.  When it comes to changing the world, we believe together is better — wouldn’t you agree?  The Drone Legends crew is over the moon to partner with the STEM superheroes over at Code Camp.  Check it out: What is Code Camp? If you’re wondering…

  • Drone Lesson Plans

    Drone Lesson Plans

    Kids today are tech-savvy and hungry for new experiences. With so many distractions, keeping their attention in the classroom can be tough. The team of educators behind the Drone Legends curriculum witnessed this firsthand… for years (decades, but we’re not saying how many). And the reality is, it isn’t going to get any easier to…