Have you ever thought about starting a drone summer camp? 

As a teacher, you know firsthand the value of hands-on learning and experiential education. Drone camps offer just that, providing a unique opportunity for kids to learn about technology, engineering, and robotics in a fun and exciting way. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right camp structure for your students? In this blog post, we explore the key features and benefits of drone camps, as well as some tips for running the best one for your students.

Summer Camp – the Perfect Place for Drones

Summer camps are a staple of childhood, offering kids the chance to learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun in a safe and supportive environment. One type of summer camp that has gained popularity in recent years is the drone camp, where kids can learn how to fly and program drones. These camps are an exciting and innovative way for kids to explore the world of technology, engineering, and robotics, and they can provide a host of benefits beyond just learning how to operate a drone.

What exactly should kids expect to learn at a drone camp? 

Here are some of the key topics and activities that you may want covered:

  • Drone building and assembly: Kids at a drone camp will typically get the opportunity to build their own drones from scratch. This can involve everything from soldering and wiring to attaching motors and other components. Depending on the camp, kids may be working with either off-the-shelf kits or more advanced components, such as 3D-printed parts.
  • Drone flight and operation: Once kids have built their drones, they’ll need to learn how to fly them. This can involve learning about the physics of flight, such as lift and drag, as well as how to control the drone using a remote or a smartphone app. Many camps also teach kids how to perform basic maneuvers like throttle, yaw, pitch, and roll.
  • Drone programming and coding: Many drone camps also include a component on programming and coding, which can be a great way for kids to learn about computer science and problem-solving. Depending on the camp, kids may learn how to write code using a visual-based programming language like DroneBlocks, and they may use this code to program their drones to perform specific tasks or navigate through obstacle courses.
  • Other drone-related activities: In addition to the main focus on building, flying, and programming drones, many camps also offer a range of other drone-related activities. This might include things like learning about the history of drones, taking field trips to see drones in action (such as at a search and rescue operation or a film shoot), or even participating in drone races or challenges.

What are some of the benefits of running a drone camp for kids? 

Here are a few key reasons to consider it:

  • Encouraging an interest in STEM: Drone camps can be a great way to spark an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. By building and flying drones, kids can get a taste of what it’s like to be an engineer or a programmer, and they may develop a curiosity about other STEM topics as well. This can be especially valuable for kids who might not have had much exposure to these fields before.
  • Developing problem-solving skills: Working with drones requires kids to think critically and solve problems, whether it’s figuring out how to build a functional drone or how to program it to perform a specific task. These skills are valuable in all sorts of contexts, and they can help kids become more confident and capable learners.
  • Building confidence and self-esteem: Drone camps can be a great confidence booster for kids, especially those who might be shy or introverted. By achieving success with something as complex and technical as a drone, kids can feel proud of their accomplishments and more confident in their abilities.
  • Making new friends: Summer camps are a great place for kids to make new friends, and drone camps are no exception. By working together on building and flying drones, kids can forge strong bonds with their fellow campers and build a sense of community.

Final Thoughts on Running a Drone Camp for Kids

Overall, drone camps can be a fun and educational way for kids to spend their summer vacation. By building, flying, and programming drones, kids can learn valuable skills and explore the world of STEM in a hands-on and engaging way. Whether your child is a budding engineer or simply looking for a unique and exciting summer activity, a drone camp could be the perfect fit.

At Drone Legends, we help kids in grades 5–8 learn about STEM by giving them an educational drone curriculum. We have taught hundreds of teachers from all over the world how to use our program to make learning fun.

Want to learn more about our STEM drone curriculum? Join the Drone Legends community of industry experts and drone enthusiasts today.