Drone Legends

Drone Summer Camps for Kids

Have you ever thought about starting a drone summer camp?  As a teacher, you know firsthand the value of hands-on learning and experiential education. Drone camps offer just that, providing a unique opportunity for kids to learn about technology, engineering, and robotics in a fun and exciting way. But with so many options out there, […]

Drone Curriculum for Elementary Schools: Tips and Best Practices

Students working on a drone

The use of drones has become increasingly popular in recent years, with applications ranging from military and commercial use to leisure and education. As a result, incorporating drones into the classroom has the potential to provide students with unique learning opportunities that engage them in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, including coding.    […]

Drones and Surveillance

drones and surveillance

One of the many uses for commercial drones today includes aerial surveillance. Drones are a more affordable, discreet, and often safer option than manned aircraft for security missions, making them ideal tools for gathering and delivering sensitive information.  Although drones are opening the job market, there’s still work to be done before drones become an […]

10 Ways to Use Drones in the Classroom

drones in the classroom

Seems like these days, educators are in a race to maximize the “hands-on” element of STEAM learning, and I love that. The truth is, kinesthetic learners and non-traditional learners have often been at a disadvantage. When the vast majority of academic ideas are conveyed through print or lecture, it can be hard even for very […]

PBS ‘Movers & Makers’ Features Drone Legends STEM Program Founder Scott Buell

WHYY Drone Legends

Are drones the key to unlocking STEM comprehension in today’s education system? Around the world, Drone Legends is a trailblazing new STEM curriculum in schools, education camps, and afterschool programs for young students. On April 18, 2022, PBS and NPR Philadelphia station WHYY broadcasted the company’s compelling story in a segment following Scott Buell, founder […]