Kids flying a drone

Drones have become very popular in the past few years, not only as a hobby or for commercial applications, but also as a way to teach and build teamwork. These high-tech flying machines give students a hands-on way to learn about the world around them. This encourages analytical thinking, creative problem-solving, and resourcefulness. 


In this post, we examine the different ways that students in grades 5–8 can use drones to better their educational experience as well as their ability to work together as a team.

Start with a Drone Curriculum


Creating a curriculum specifically geared for drones is one of the most productive ways to bring unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) into the classroom. This can be done by running drone programs for kids that teach them not only the basics of drone technology, like how to build and fly a drone, but also more advanced skills, like coding and data analysis. Drones could potentially be incorporated into the curriculum already being taught in schools, with the goal of assisting students in carrying out field research or producing maps and diagrams.


Offering camps or workshops on drone use during the summer or other times when students are not in school is yet another possibility. These camps give students an immersive and intensive way to learn about drones and other related topics. When students attend drone camps, they not only get to meet new people but also learn from more experienced instructors.

Form a Drone Club

A great way for schools that want to use drones more often is to start a drone club. Students, as well as educators, or a combination of the two, can be in charge of running drone clubs, and these clubs can organize a wide range of different projects and activities for student participation. For example, a drone club might take part in drone racing events, design and build drones, or use drones to do community service. Other activities might include flying drones to deliver packages. By joining drone clubs, students can learn how to be good leaders and improve their ability to work together with their classmates.


Why should schools and teachers think about using drones as a form of educational technology? 


There are a lot of positive aspects that come along with utilizing drones in the classroom. To start, learning with the help of drones is a fun and inspiring experience. Drones give a concrete means by which this can be accomplished, which is important because it tends to motivate students to learn more when they can see the practical fruits of their work.


Students also benefit from the use of drones by developing a variety of skills that are valuable in the workforce of the 21st century. Problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative expression are just a few of the skills that fall under this category. Technical expertise in fields such as coding and engineering is also included. By using drones in the classroom, teachers can help their students develop these skills in a way that is both entertaining and interesting.


One more benefit of using drones in education is that they help students learn about the world around them in a hands-on way. Students can utilize drones to explore places like forests, mountains, and wetlands, which may be difficult or even dangerous for them to visit on foot. And because these devices can take pictures and videos from different points of view, they give students a new way to see and understand their surroundings.

Drone Curriculum to Teach Responsibly 


Students also benefit from learning about responsibility and staying safe thanks to drones. When operating a drone, students must follow rules and regulations, and they must be aware of their surroundings to avoid accidents. Educators may assist children in the development of critical life skills by showing them how to operate drones in a way that is both safe and responsible.


Final Thoughts


Children in grades 5-8 have the potential to benefit from and be excited by the use of drones as an educational tool. Drones have the potential to increase team building and learning in a way that is both enjoyable and participatory. This potential can be realized through standalone programs, camps, or clubs. 


As the uses of drones grow and change, it seems likely that new and creative ways to teach and inspire the next generation will appear.


At Drone Legends, we help kids in grades 5–8 learn about STEM by giving them an educational drone curriculum. We have taught hundreds of teachers from all over the world how to use our program to make learning fun.

Want to learn more about our STEM drone curriculum? Join the Drone Legends community of industry experts and drone enthusiasts today.