We’d like to say “we’ve peeked under your tree and know what’s coming,” but we’re not quite that whimsical. I mean, we’re STEM people. What we do know is that drones for Christmas are a hot item this year, and at Drone Legends, we’re fully behind that!

Drones as gifts are a great way to get kids of all ages engaged with technology, without having them glued to a screen. If you’re a parent giving a drone this Christmas, we thought we’d lend a hand. 

Our team of drone curriculum experts got together and created a FREE drone mission. Well, we pretty much have three gifts for you, to equip and empower your kid to pop open that drone present and get in the air as quickly and capably as possible. After all, that’s where the fun begins.

First, two words of advice:

  1. Don’t just rely on the app or instructions the drone comes with. While this is great, drones are marketed to people of all ages. When it comes to getting kids to fly drones, they may need a different type of tutelage. Our video teaching kids to fly drones will be enormously useful.
  2. Don’t get discouraged (or let your kiddo tap out). Drones are actually complex machines, although they can look like toys. Think about it: people have to have licenses just to fly the big ones outdoors. 

It’s really for this reason that we put our holiday drone gift package together for you: we want you to stick with this. Drones can provide hours of fun and sneaky learning opportunities for kids (and people) of all ages. So, here’s what we’ve got for you:

Drone Gift 1: a FREE Drone Lesson

Want to imagine flying a drone on Mars? Want to learn like it’s a game… or set in a story? Introducing the Ingenuity Investigation: a masterfully prepared FREE drone mission for students of all ages.

This drone mission is based on our drone curriculum missions (only it’s mini), which means you’ll get:

  • A FREE drone mission plan from STEM curriculum experts
  • Step-by-step instructions to teach them how to fly and use their drones
  • Extra explanations on the *why* and the *how* (so they can dig deeper and learn more)

It’s a fun and engaging way for kids to learn the basic terms and concepts behind using drones with the help of our own artificially-intelligent drone, Gimbal. Print this bad boy out and slip it next to the drone and you’ve got the perfect launching point for drones at home this holiday!

This drone gift is truly free, and you can GET IT HERE.

One note: you’ll fill out a form to get the free download; be sure to check your inbox and “opt in” to emails from Dynamic Learning Experiences (that’s our parent company. They’re pretty cool too). Doing so will unlock your next two gifts….

Drone Gift 2: a FREE Video Flying Lesson for Kids

Like we said before, most drones you give this holiday season will come with some kind of box or branded instructions you can check out. The trick is, these are almost never designed with kids in mind, which means the explanations and vocabulary may be way over their heads. To really secure kids’ love of flying drones, they need to feel empowered, not intimidated or overwhelmed.

To that end, our very own Drone Legends Founder, Scott Buell, has shot a very simple and energetic drone flying video lesson. Once you’ve opted into the Dynamic Learning Experiences emails, you’ll get a follow up message with a link to this video. We strongly recommend you have it bookmarked or loaded up as an accompaniment to their FREE drone mission. This way, they get the technical parts down while heading into their drone adventure.

Drone Gift 3: a NASA Expert Webinar (for Drone Legends Exclusively!)

If you’re part of the Drone Legends community, you may have tuned into our Winter Webinar featuring a NASA expert, and covering the mission to Mars. Drones played (and continue to play) a huge role in interplanetary expeditions, and it’s a powerful way to show kids that drones are so much more than toys.

This hour-long webinar is chock-full of all types of goodies: video clips from the mission, animated explanations, Q & A session with our own legendary learners. It’s the second video you’ll get in the follow up email to your Ingenuity Investigation drone mission download. You’re gonna love it!

Drones for Christmas = STEM Learning at Home

We all want our kids to do more this Christmas or winter break than just hang out. Down time is great, but giving kids the gift of drones means their curious minds stay active even while they’re out of school. Who knows? You could be encouraging a lifelong interest that leads to a STEM career. But even if it’s just fun and games for a while, it’s fun that sparks curiosity… which we think is the best kind.

Want to learn more about bringing Drone Legends to a school, afterschool, or camp program near you? Connect with us!

Happy Holidays from our team to your family!